# Copyright (C) 2020-2025, François-Guillaume Fernandez.
# This program is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
# See LICENSE or go to <https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> for full license details.
import logging
import math
import sys
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor, nn
from ._utils import locate_linear_layer
from .core import _CAM
__all__ = ["CAM", "ISCAM", "SSCAM", "ScoreCAM"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
log_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s: %(message)s")
class CAM(_CAM):
r"""Implements a class activation map extractor as described in `"Learning Deep Features for Discriminative
Localization" <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.04150.pdf>`_.
The Class Activation Map (CAM) is defined for image classification models that have global pooling at the end
of the visual feature extraction block. The localization map is computed as follows:
.. math::
L^{(c)}_{CAM}(x, y) = ReLU\Big(\sum\limits_k w_k^{(c)} A_k(x, y)\Big)
where :math:`A_k(x, y)` is the activation of node :math:`k` in the target layer of the model at
position :math:`(x, y)`,
and :math:`w_k^{(c)}` is the weight corresponding to class :math:`c` for unit :math:`k` in the fully
connected layer..
>>> from torchvision.models import resnet18
>>> from torchcam.methods import CAM
>>> model = resnet18(pretrained=True).eval()
>>> cam = CAM(model, 'layer4', 'fc')
>>> with torch.no_grad(): out = model(input_tensor)
>>> cam(class_idx=100)
model: input model
target_layer: either the target layer itself or its name, or a list of those
fc_layer: either the fully connected layer itself or its name
input_shape: shape of the expected input tensor excluding the batch dimension
def __init__(
model: nn.Module,
target_layer: Optional[Union[Union[nn.Module, str], List[Union[nn.Module, str]]]] = None,
fc_layer: Optional[Union[nn.Module, str]] = None,
input_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (3, 224, 224),
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
if isinstance(target_layer, list) and len(target_layer) > 1:
raise ValueError("base CAM does not support multiple target layers")
super().__init__(model, target_layer, input_shape, **kwargs)
if isinstance(fc_layer, str):
fc_name = fc_layer
# Find the location of the module
elif isinstance(fc_layer, nn.Module):
fc_name = self._resolve_layer_name(fc_layer)
# If the layer is not specified, try automatic resolution
elif fc_layer is None:
fc_name = locate_linear_layer(model) # type: ignore[assignment]
# Warn the user of the choice
if isinstance(fc_name, str):
logger.warning(f"no value was provided for `fc_layer`, thus set to '{fc_name}'.")
raise ValueError("unable to resolve `fc_layer` automatically, please specify its value.")
raise TypeError("invalid argument type for `fc_layer`")
# Softmax weight
self._fc_weights = self.submodule_dict[fc_name].weight.data
# squeeze to accomodate replacement by Conv1x1
if self._fc_weights.ndim > 2:
self._fc_weights = self._fc_weights.view(*self._fc_weights.shape[:2])
def _get_weights(
class_idx: Union[int, List[int]],
*_: Any,
) -> List[Tensor]:
"""Computes the weight coefficients of the hooked activation maps."""
# Take the FC weights of the target class
if isinstance(class_idx, int):
return [self._fc_weights[class_idx, :].unsqueeze(0)]
return [self._fc_weights[class_idx, :]]
class ScoreCAM(_CAM):
r"""Implements a class activation map extractor as described in `"Score-CAM:
Score-Weighted Visual Explanations for Convolutional Neural Networks" <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.01279.pdf>`_.
The localization map is computed as follows:
.. math::
L^{(c)}_{Score-CAM}(x, y) = ReLU\Big(\sum\limits_k w_k^{(c)} A_k(x, y)\Big)
with the coefficient :math:`w_k^{(c)}` being defined as:
.. math::
w_k^{(c)} = softmax\Big(Y^{(c)}(M_k) - Y^{(c)}(X_b)\Big)_k
where :math:`A_k(x, y)` is the activation of node :math:`k` in the target layer of the model at
position :math:`(x, y)`, :math:`Y^{(c)}(X)` is the model output score for class :math:`c` before softmax
for input :math:`X`, :math:`X_b` is a baseline image,
and :math:`M_k` is defined as follows:
.. math::
M_k = \frac{U(A_k) - \min\limits_m U(A_m)}{\max\limits_m U(A_m) - \min\limits_m U(A_m)})
\odot X_b
where :math:`\odot` refers to the element-wise multiplication and :math:`U` is the upsampling operation.
>>> from torchvision.models import resnet18
>>> from torchcam.methods import ScoreCAM
>>> model = resnet18(pretrained=True).eval()
>>> cam = ScoreCAM(model, 'layer4')
>>> with torch.no_grad(): out = model(input_tensor)
>>> cam(class_idx=100)
model: input model
target_layer: either the target layer itself or its name, or a list of those
batch_size: batch size used to forward masked inputs
input_shape: shape of the expected input tensor excluding the batch dimension
def __init__(
model: nn.Module,
target_layer: Optional[Union[Union[nn.Module, str], List[Union[nn.Module, str]]]] = None,
batch_size: int = 32,
input_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (3, 224, 224),
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
super().__init__(model, target_layer, input_shape, **kwargs)
# Input hook
self.hook_handles.append(model.register_forward_pre_hook(self._store_input)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
self.bs = batch_size
# Ensure ReLU is applied to CAM before normalization
self._relu = True
def _store_input(self, _: nn.Module, input_: Tensor) -> None:
"""Store model input tensor."""
if self._hooks_enabled:
self._input = input_[0].data.clone()
def _get_score_weights(self, activations: List[Tensor], class_idx: Union[int, List[int]]) -> List[Tensor]:
b, c = activations[0].shape[:2]
# (N * C, I, H, W)
scored_inputs = [
(act.unsqueeze(2) * self._input.unsqueeze(1)).view(b * c, *self._input.shape[1:]) for act in activations
# Initialize weights
# (N * C)
weights = [torch.zeros(b * c, dtype=t.dtype).to(device=t.device) for t in activations]
# (N, M)
logits = self.model(self._input)
idcs = torch.arange(b).repeat_interleave(c)
for idx, scored_input in enumerate(scored_inputs):
# Process by chunk (GPU RAM limitation)
for _idx in range(math.ceil(weights[idx].numel() / self.bs)):
slice_ = slice(_idx * self.bs, min((_idx + 1) * self.bs, weights[idx].numel()))
# Get the softmax probabilities of the target class
# (*, M)
cic = self.model(scored_input[slice_]) - logits[idcs[slice_]]
if isinstance(class_idx, int):
weights[idx][slice_] = cic[:, class_idx]
target = torch.tensor(class_idx, device=cic.device)[idcs[slice_]]
weights[idx][slice_] = cic.gather(1, target.view(-1, 1)).squeeze(1)
# Reshape the weights (N, C)
return [torch.softmax(w.view(b, c), -1) for w in weights]
def _get_weights(
class_idx: Union[int, List[int]],
*_: Any,
) -> List[Tensor]:
"""Computes the weight coefficients of the hooked activation maps."""
self.hook_a: List[Tensor] # type: ignore[assignment]
# Normalize the activation
# (N, C, H', W')
upsampled_a = [self._normalize(act.clone(), act.ndim - 2) for act in self.hook_a]
# Upsample it to input_size
# (N, C, H, W)
spatial_dims = self._input.ndim - 2
interpolation_mode = "bilinear" if spatial_dims == 2 else "trilinear" if spatial_dims == 3 else "nearest"
upsampled_a = [
for up_a in upsampled_a
# Disable hook updates
# Switch to eval
origin_mode = self.model.training
weights: List[Tensor] = self._get_score_weights(upsampled_a, class_idx)
# Reenable hook updates
# Put back the model in the correct mode
self.model.training = origin_mode
return weights
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(batch_size={self.bs})"
class SSCAM(ScoreCAM):
r"""Implements a class activation map extractor as described in `"SS-CAM: Smoothed Score-CAM for
Sharper Visual Feature Localization" <https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.14255.pdf>`_.
The localization map is computed as follows:
.. math::
L^{(c)}_{SS-CAM}(x, y) = ReLU\Big(\sum\limits_k w_k^{(c)} A_k(x, y)\Big)
with the coefficient :math:`w_k^{(c)}` being defined as:
.. math::
w_k^{(c)} = softmax\Big(\frac{1}{N} \sum\limits_{i=1}^N (Y^{(c)}(\hat{M_k}) - Y^{(c)}(X_b))\Big)_k
where :math:`N` is the number of samples used to smooth the weights,
:math:`A_k(x, y)` is the activation of node :math:`k` in the target layer of the model at
position :math:`(x, y)`, :math:`Y^{(c)}(X)` is the model output score for class :math:`c` before softmax
for input :math:`X`, :math:`X_b` is a baseline image,
and :math:`M_k` is defined as follows:
.. math::
\hat{M_k} = \Bigg(\frac{U(A_k) - \min\limits_m U(A_m)}{\max\limits_m U(A_m) - \min\limits_m U(A_m)} +
\delta\Bigg) \odot X_b
where :math:`\odot` refers to the element-wise multiplication, :math:`U` is the upsampling operation,
:math:`\delta \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)` is the random noise that follows a 0-mean gaussian distribution
with a standard deviation of :math:`\sigma`.
>>> from torchvision.models import resnet18
>>> from torchcam.methods import SSCAM
>>> model = resnet18(pretrained=True).eval()
>>> cam = SSCAM(model, 'layer4')
>>> with torch.no_grad(): out = model(input_tensor)
>>> cam(class_idx=100)
model: input model
target_layer: either the target layer itself or its name, or a list of those
batch_size: batch size used to forward masked inputs
num_samples: number of noisy samples used for weight computation
std: standard deviation of the noise added to the normalized activation
input_shape: shape of the expected input tensor excluding the batch dimension
def __init__(
model: nn.Module,
target_layer: Optional[Union[Union[nn.Module, str], List[Union[nn.Module, str]]]] = None,
batch_size: int = 32,
num_samples: int = 35,
std: float = 2.0,
input_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (3, 224, 224),
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
super().__init__(model, target_layer, batch_size, input_shape, **kwargs)
self.num_samples = num_samples
self.std = std
self._distrib = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(0, self.std)
def _get_score_weights(self, activations: List[Tensor], class_idx: Union[int, List[int]]) -> List[Tensor]:
b, c = activations[0].shape[:2]
# Initialize weights
# (N * C)
weights = [torch.zeros(b * c, dtype=t.dtype).to(device=t.device) for t in activations]
# (N, M)
logits = self.model(self._input)
idcs = torch.arange(b).repeat_interleave(c)
for idx, act in enumerate(activations):
# Add noise
for _ in range(self.num_samples):
noise = self._distrib.sample(act.size()).to(device=act.device)
# (N, C, I, H, W)
scored_input = (act + noise).unsqueeze(2) * self._input.unsqueeze(1)
# (N * C, I, H, W)
scored_input = scored_input.view(b * c, *scored_input.shape[2:])
# Process by chunk (GPU RAM limitation)
for _idx in range(math.ceil(weights[idx].numel() / self.bs)):
slice_ = slice(_idx * self.bs, min((_idx + 1) * self.bs, weights[idx].numel()))
# Get the softmax probabilities of the target class
cic = self.model(scored_input[slice_]) - logits[idcs[slice_]]
if isinstance(class_idx, int):
weights[idx][slice_] += cic[:, class_idx]
target = torch.tensor(class_idx, device=cic.device)[idcs[slice_]]
weights[idx][slice_] += cic.gather(1, target.view(-1, 1)).squeeze(1)
# Reshape the weights (N, C)
return [torch.softmax(weight.div_(self.num_samples).view(b, c), -1) for weight in weights]
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(batch_size={self.bs}, num_samples={self.num_samples}, std={self.std})"
class ISCAM(ScoreCAM):
r"""Implements a class activation map extractor as described in `"IS-CAM: Integrated Score-CAM for axiomatic-based
explanations" <https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.03023.pdf>`_.
The localization map is computed as follows:
.. math::
L^{(c)}_{ISS-CAM}(x, y) = ReLU\Big(\sum\limits_k w_k^{(c)} A_k(x, y)\Big)
with the coefficient :math:`w_k^{(c)}` being defined as:
.. math::
w_k^{(c)} = softmax\Bigg(\frac{1}{N} \sum\limits_{i=1}^N
\Big(Y^{(c)}(M_i) - Y^{(c)}(X_b)\Big)\Bigg)_k
where :math:`N` is the number of samples used to smooth the weights,
:math:`A_k(x, y)` is the activation of node :math:`k` in the target layer of the model at
position :math:`(x, y)`, :math:`Y^{(c)}(X)` is the model output score for class :math:`c` before softmax
for input :math:`X`, :math:`X_b` is a baseline image,
and :math:`M_i` is defined as follows:
.. math::
M_i = \sum\limits_{j=0}^{i-1} \frac{j}{N}
\frac{U(A_k) - \min\limits_m U(A_m)}{\max\limits_m U(A_m) - \min\limits_m U(A_m)} \odot X_b
where :math:`\odot` refers to the element-wise multiplication, :math:`U` is the upsampling operation.
>>> from torchvision.models import resnet18
>>> from torchcam.methods import ISSCAM
>>> model = resnet18(pretrained=True).eval()
>>> cam = ISCAM(model, 'layer4')
>>> with torch.no_grad(): out = model(input_tensor)
>>> cam(class_idx=100)
model: input model
target_layer: either the target layer itself or its name, or a list of those
batch_size: batch size used to forward masked inputs
num_samples: number of noisy samples used for weight computation
input_shape: shape of the expected input tensor excluding the batch dimension
def __init__(
model: nn.Module,
target_layer: Optional[Union[Union[nn.Module, str], List[Union[nn.Module, str]]]] = None,
batch_size: int = 32,
num_samples: int = 10,
input_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (3, 224, 224),
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
super().__init__(model, target_layer, batch_size, input_shape, **kwargs)
self.num_samples = num_samples
def _get_score_weights(self, activations: List[Tensor], class_idx: Union[int, List[int]]) -> List[Tensor]:
b, c = activations[0].shape[:2]
# (N * C, I, H, W)
scored_inputs = [
(act.unsqueeze(2) * self._input.unsqueeze(1)).view(b * c, *self._input.shape[1:]) for act in activations
# Initialize weights
weights = [torch.zeros(b * c, dtype=t.dtype).to(device=t.device) for t in activations]
# (N, M)
logits = self.model(self._input)
idcs = torch.arange(b).repeat_interleave(c)
for idx, scored_input in enumerate(scored_inputs):
coeff = 0.0
# Process by chunk (GPU RAM limitation)
for sidx in range(self.num_samples):
coeff += (sidx + 1) / self.num_samples
# Process by chunk (GPU RAM limitation)
for _idx in range(math.ceil(weights[idx].numel() / self.bs)):
slice_ = slice(_idx * self.bs, min((_idx + 1) * self.bs, weights[idx].numel()))
# Get the softmax probabilities of the target class
cic = self.model(coeff * scored_input[slice_]) - logits[idcs[slice_]]
if isinstance(class_idx, int):
weights[idx][slice_] += cic[:, class_idx]
target = torch.tensor(class_idx, device=cic.device)[idcs[slice_]]
weights[idx][slice_] += cic.gather(1, target.view(-1, 1)).squeeze(1)
# Reshape the weights (N, C)
return [torch.softmax(weight.div_(self.num_samples).view(b, c), -1) for weight in weights]