Source code for torchcam.methods.gradient

# Copyright (C) 2020-2024, François-Guillaume Fernandez.

# This program is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
# See LICENSE or go to <> for full license details.

from functools import partial
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor, nn

from .core import _CAM

__all__ = ["GradCAM", "GradCAMpp", "LayerCAM", "SmoothGradCAMpp", "XGradCAM"]

class _GradCAM(_CAM):
    """Implements a gradient-based class activation map extractor.

        model: input model
        target_layer: either the target layer itself or its name, or a list of those
        input_shape: shape of the expected input tensor excluding the batch dimension

    def __init__(
        model: nn.Module,
        target_layer: Optional[Union[Union[nn.Module, str], List[Union[nn.Module, str]]]] = None,
        input_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (3, 224, 224),
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(model, target_layer, input_shape, **kwargs)
        # Ensure ReLU is applied before normalization
        self._relu = True
        # Model output is used by the extractor
        self._score_used = True
        for idx, name in enumerate(self.target_names):
            # Trick to avoid issues with inplace operations cf.
            self.hook_handles.append(self.submodule_dict[name].register_forward_hook(partial(self._hook_g, idx=idx)))

    def _store_grad(self, grad: Tensor, idx: int = 0) -> None:
        if self._hooks_enabled:
            self.hook_g[idx] =

    def _hook_g(self, _: nn.Module, _input: Tuple[Tensor, ...], output: Tensor, idx: int = 0) -> None:
        """Gradient hook"""
        if self._hooks_enabled:
            self.hook_handles.append(output.register_hook(partial(self._store_grad, idx=idx)))

    def _backprop(
        scores: Tensor,
        class_idx: Union[int, List[int]],
        retain_graph: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        """Backpropagate the loss for a specific output class"""
        # Backpropagate to get the gradients on the hooked layer
        if isinstance(class_idx, int):
            loss = scores[:, class_idx].sum()
            loss = scores.gather(1, torch.tensor(class_idx, device=scores.device).view(-1, 1)).sum()

[docs] class GradCAM(_GradCAM): r"""Implements a class activation map extractor as described in `"Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization" <>`_. The localization map is computed as follows: .. math:: L^{(c)}_{Grad-CAM}(x, y) = ReLU\Big(\sum\limits_k w_k^{(c)} A_k(x, y)\Big) with the coefficient :math:`w_k^{(c)}` being defined as: .. math:: w_k^{(c)} = \frac{1}{H \cdot W} \sum\limits_{i=1}^H \sum\limits_{j=1}^W \frac{\partial Y^{(c)}}{\partial A_k(i, j)} where :math:`A_k(x, y)` is the activation of node :math:`k` in the target layer of the model at position :math:`(x, y)`, and :math:`Y^{(c)}` is the model output score for class :math:`c` before softmax. >>> from torchvision.models import resnet18 >>> from torchcam.methods import GradCAM >>> model = resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() >>> cam = GradCAM(model, 'layer4') >>> scores = model(input_tensor) >>> cam(class_idx=100, scores=scores) Args: model: input model target_layer: either the target layer itself or its name, or a list of those input_shape: shape of the expected input tensor excluding the batch dimension """ def _get_weights(self, class_idx: Union[int, List[int]], scores: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Tensor]: """Computes the weight coefficients of the hooked activation maps.""" # Backpropagate self._backprop(scores, class_idx, **kwargs) self.hook_g: List[Tensor] # type: ignore[assignment] # Global average pool the gradients over spatial dimensions return [grad.flatten(2).mean(-1) for grad in self.hook_g]
[docs] class GradCAMpp(_GradCAM): r"""Implements a class activation map extractor as described in `"Grad-CAM++: Improved Visual Explanations for Deep Convolutional Networks" <>`_. The localization map is computed as follows: .. math:: L^{(c)}_{Grad-CAM++}(x, y) = \sum\limits_k w_k^{(c)} A_k(x, y) with the coefficient :math:`w_k^{(c)}` being defined as: .. math:: w_k^{(c)} = \sum\limits_{i=1}^H \sum\limits_{j=1}^W \alpha_k^{(c)}(i, j) \cdot ReLU\Big(\frac{\partial Y^{(c)}}{\partial A_k(i, j)}\Big) where :math:`A_k(x, y)` is the activation of node :math:`k` in the target layer of the model at position :math:`(x, y)`, :math:`Y^{(c)}` is the model output score for class :math:`c` before softmax, and :math:`\alpha_k^{(c)}(i, j)` being defined as: .. math:: \alpha_k^{(c)}(i, j) = \frac{1}{\sum\limits_{i, j} \frac{\partial Y^{(c)}}{\partial A_k(i, j)}} = \frac{\frac{\partial^2 Y^{(c)}}{(\partial A_k(i,j))^2}}{2 \cdot \frac{\partial^2 Y^{(c)}}{(\partial A_k(i,j))^2} + \sum\limits_{a,b} A_k (a,b) \cdot \frac{\partial^3 Y^{(c)}}{(\partial A_k(i,j))^3}} if :math:`\frac{\partial Y^{(c)}}{\partial A_k(i, j)} = 1` else :math:`0`. >>> from torchvision.models import resnet18 >>> from torchcam.methods import GradCAMpp >>> model = resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() >>> cam = GradCAMpp(model, 'layer4') >>> scores = model(input_tensor) >>> cam(class_idx=100, scores=scores) Args: model: input model target_layer: either the target layer itself or its name, or a list of those input_shape: shape of the expected input tensor excluding the batch dimension """ def _get_weights( self, class_idx: Union[int, List[int]], scores: Tensor, eps: float = 1e-8, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tensor]: """Computes the weight coefficients of the hooked activation maps.""" # Backpropagate self._backprop(scores, class_idx, **kwargs) self.hook_a: List[Tensor] # type: ignore[assignment] self.hook_g: List[Tensor] # type: ignore[assignment] # Alpha coefficient for each pixel grad_2 = [grad.pow(2) for grad in self.hook_g] grad_3 = [g2 * grad for g2, grad in zip(grad_2, self.hook_g)] # Watch out for NaNs produced by underflow spatial_dims = self.hook_a[0].ndim - 2 denom = [ 2 * g2 + (g3 * act).flatten(2).sum(-1)[(...,) + (None,) * spatial_dims] for g2, g3, act in zip(grad_2, grad_3, self.hook_a) ] nan_mask = [g2 > 0 for g2 in grad_2] alpha = grad_2 for idx, d, mask in zip(range(len(grad_2)), denom, nan_mask): alpha[idx][mask].div_(d[mask] + eps) # Apply pixel coefficient in each weight return [a.mul_(torch.relu(grad)).flatten(2).sum(-1) for a, grad in zip(alpha, self.hook_g)]
[docs] class SmoothGradCAMpp(_GradCAM): r"""Implements a class activation map extractor as described in `"Smooth Grad-CAM++: An Enhanced Inference Level Visualization Technique for Deep Convolutional Neural Network Models" <>`_ with a personal correction to the paper (alpha coefficient numerator). The localization map is computed as follows: .. math:: L^{(c)}_{Smooth Grad-CAM++}(x, y) = \sum\limits_k w_k^{(c)} A_k(x, y) with the coefficient :math:`w_k^{(c)}` being defined as: .. math:: w_k^{(c)} = \sum\limits_{i=1}^H \sum\limits_{j=1}^W \alpha_k^{(c)}(i, j) \cdot ReLU\Big(\frac{\partial Y^{(c)}}{\partial A_k(i, j)}\Big) where :math:`A_k(x, y)` is the activation of node :math:`k` in the target layer of the model at position :math:`(x, y)`, :math:`Y^{(c)}` is the model output score for class :math:`c` before softmax, and :math:`\alpha_k^{(c)}(i, j)` being defined as: .. math:: \alpha_k^{(c)}(i, j) = \frac{\frac{\partial^2 Y^{(c)}}{(\partial A_k(i,j))^2}}{2 \cdot \frac{\partial^2 Y^{(c)}}{(\partial A_k(i,j))^2} + \sum\limits_{a,b} A_k (a,b) \cdot \frac{\partial^3 Y^{(c)}}{(\partial A_k(i,j))^3}} = \frac{\frac{1}{n} \sum\limits_{m=1}^n D^{(c, 2)}_k(i, j)}{ \frac{2}{n} \sum\limits_{m=1}^n D^{(c, 2)}_k(i, j) + \sum\limits_{a,b} A_k (a,b) \cdot \frac{1}{n} \sum\limits_{m=1}^n D^{(c, 3)}_k(i, j)} if :math:`\frac{\partial Y^{(c)}}{\partial A_k(i, j)} = 1` else :math:`0`. Here :math:`D^{(c, p)}_k(i, j)` refers to the p-th partial derivative of the class score of class :math:`c` relatively to the activation in layer :math:`k` at position :math:`(i, j)`, and :math:`n` is the number of samples used to get the gradient estimate. Please note the difference in the numerator of :math:`\alpha_k^{(c)}(i, j)`, which is actually :math:`\frac{1}{n} \sum\limits_{k=1}^n D^{(c, 1)}_k(i,j)` in the paper. >>> from torchvision.models import resnet18 >>> from torchcam.methods import SmoothGradCAMpp >>> model = resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() >>> cam = SmoothGradCAMpp(model, 'layer4') >>> scores = model(input_tensor) >>> cam(class_idx=100) Args: model: input model target_layer: either the target layer itself or its name, or a list of those num_samples: number of samples to use for smoothing std: standard deviation of the noise input_shape: shape of the expected input tensor excluding the batch dimension """ def __init__( self, model: nn.Module, target_layer: Optional[Union[Union[nn.Module, str], List[Union[nn.Module, str]]]] = None, num_samples: int = 4, std: float = 0.3, input_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (3, 224, 224), **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().__init__(model, target_layer, input_shape, **kwargs) # Model scores is not used by the extractor self._score_used = False # Input hook self.hook_handles.append(model.register_forward_pre_hook(self._store_input)) # type: ignore[arg-type] # Noise distribution self.num_samples = num_samples self.std = std self._distrib = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(0, self.std) # Specific input hook updater self._ihook_enabled = True def _store_input(self, _: nn.Module, input_: Tensor) -> None: """Store model input tensor.""" if self._ihook_enabled: self._input = input_[0].data.clone() def _get_weights( self, class_idx: Union[int, List[int]], _: Union[Tensor, None] = None, eps: float = 1e-8, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tensor]: """Computes the weight coefficients of the hooked activation maps.""" # Disable input update self._ihook_enabled = False # Keep initial activation self.hook_a: List[Tensor] # type: ignore[assignment] self.hook_g: List[Tensor] # type: ignore[assignment] init_fmap = [act.clone() for act in self.hook_a] # Initialize our gradient estimates grad_2 = [torch.zeros_like(act) for act in self.hook_a] grad_3 = [torch.zeros_like(act) for act in self.hook_a] # Perform the operations N times for _idx in range(self.num_samples): # Add noise noisy_input = self._input + self._distrib.sample(self._input.size()).to(device=self._input.device) noisy_input.requires_grad_(True) # Forward & Backward out = self.model(noisy_input) self.model.zero_grad() self._backprop(out, class_idx, **kwargs) # Sum partial derivatives grad_2 = [g2.add_(grad.pow(2)) for g2, grad in zip(grad_2, self.hook_g)] grad_3 = [g3.add_(grad.pow(3)) for g3, grad in zip(grad_3, self.hook_g)] # Reenable input update self._ihook_enabled = True # Average the gradient estimates grad_2 = [g2.div_(self.num_samples) for g2 in grad_2] grad_3 = [g3.div_(self.num_samples) for g3 in grad_3] # Alpha coefficient for each pixel spatial_dims = self.hook_a[0].ndim - 2 alpha = [ g2 / (2 * g2 + (g3 * act).flatten(2).sum(-1)[(...,) + (None,) * spatial_dims] + eps) for g2, g3, act in zip(grad_2, grad_3, init_fmap) ] # Apply pixel coefficient in each weight return [a.mul_(torch.relu(grad)).flatten(2).sum(-1) for a, grad in zip(alpha, self.hook_g)] def extra_repr(self) -> str: return f"target_layer={self.target_names}, num_samples={self.num_samples}, std={self.std}"
[docs] class XGradCAM(_GradCAM): r"""Implements a class activation map extractor as described in `"Axiom-based Grad-CAM: Towards Accurate Visualization and Explanation of CNNs" <>`_. The localization map is computed as follows: .. math:: L^{(c)}_{XGrad-CAM}(x, y) = ReLU\Big(\sum\limits_k w_k^{(c)} A_k(x, y)\Big) with the coefficient :math:`w_k^{(c)}` being defined as: .. math:: w_k^{(c)} = \sum\limits_{i=1}^H \sum\limits_{j=1}^W \Big( \frac{\partial Y^{(c)}}{\partial A_k(i, j)} \cdot \frac{A_k(i, j)}{\sum\limits_{m=1}^H \sum\limits_{n=1}^W A_k(m, n)} \Big) where :math:`A_k(x, y)` is the activation of node :math:`k` in the target layer of the model at position :math:`(x, y)`, and :math:`Y^{(c)}` is the model output score for class :math:`c` before softmax. >>> from torchvision.models import resnet18 >>> from torchcam.methods import XGradCAM >>> model = resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() >>> cam = XGradCAM(model, 'layer4') >>> scores = model(input_tensor) >>> cam(class_idx=100, scores=scores) Args: model: input model target_layer: either the target layer itself or its name, or a list of those input_shape: shape of the expected input tensor excluding the batch dimension """ def _get_weights( self, class_idx: Union[int, List[int]], scores: Tensor, eps: float = 1e-8, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[Tensor]: """Computes the weight coefficients of the hooked activation maps.""" # Backpropagate self._backprop(scores, class_idx, **kwargs) self.hook_a: List[Tensor] # type: ignore[assignment] self.hook_g: List[Tensor] # type: ignore[assignment] return [ (grad * act).flatten(2).sum(-1) / act.flatten(2).sum(-1).add(eps) for act, grad in zip(self.hook_a, self.hook_g) ]
[docs] class LayerCAM(_GradCAM): r"""Implements a class activation map extractor as described in `"LayerCAM: Exploring Hierarchical Class Activation Maps for Localization" <>`_. The localization map is computed as follows: .. math:: L^{(c)}_{Layer-CAM}(x, y) = ReLU\Big(\sum\limits_k w_k^{(c)}(x, y) \cdot A_k(x, y)\Big) with the coefficient :math:`w_k^{(c)}(x, y)` being defined as: .. math:: w_k^{(c)}(x, y) = ReLU\Big(\frac{\partial Y^{(c)}}{\partial A_k(i, j)}(x, y)\Big) where :math:`A_k(x, y)` is the activation of node :math:`k` in the target layer of the model at position :math:`(x, y)`, and :math:`Y^{(c)}` is the model output score for class :math:`c` before softmax. >>> from torchvision.models import resnet18 >>> from torchcam.methods import LayerCAM >>> model = resnet18(pretrained=True).eval() >>> extractor = LayerCAM(model, 'layer4') >>> scores = model(input_tensor) >>> cams = extractor(class_idx=100, scores=scores) >>> fused_cam = extractor.fuse_cams(cams) Args: model: input model target_layer: either the target layer itself or its name, or a list of those input_shape: shape of the expected input tensor excluding the batch dimension """ def _get_weights(self, class_idx: Union[int, List[int]], scores: Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Tensor]: """Computes the weight coefficients of the hooked activation maps.""" # Backpropagate self._backprop(scores, class_idx, **kwargs) self.hook_g: List[Tensor] # type: ignore[assignment] # List of (N, C, H, W) return [torch.relu(grad) for grad in self.hook_g] @staticmethod def _scale_cams(cams: List[Tensor], gamma: float = 2.0) -> List[Tensor]: # cf. Equation 9 in the paper return [torch.tanh(gamma * cam) for cam in cams]