# Copyright (C) 2020-2024, François-Guillaume Fernandez.
# This program is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
# See LICENSE or go to <https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> for full license details.
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import torch
from torch.nn import Module
from .modules import module_dmas, module_flops, module_macs, module_rf
from .process import get_process_gpu_ram
from .utils import aggregate_info, format_info
__all__ = ["crawl_module", "summary"]
def apply(module: Module, fn: Callable[[Module, str], None], name: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
"""Modified version of `torch.nn.Module.apply` method
module: target module
fn: function to apply to each module
name: name of the current module
if name is None:
name = module.__class__.__name__.lower()
fn(module, name)
for n, m in module.named_children():
apply(m, fn, f"{name}.{n}")
def crawl_module(
module: Module,
input_shape: Union[List[Tuple[int, ...]], Tuple[int, ...]],
dtype: Optional[Union[torch.dtype, Iterable[torch.dtype]]] = None,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Retrieves module information for an expected input tensor shape
>>> import torch.nn as nn
>>> from torchscan import summary
>>> mod = nn.Conv2d(3, 8, 3)
>>> module_info = crawl_module(mod, (3, 224, 224))
module: module to inspect
input_shape: expected input shapes
dtype: data type of each input argument to the module
layer and overhead information
# Get device and data types from model
p = next(module.parameters())
device = p.device
cuda_overhead, framework_overhead = 0.0, 0.0
if torch.cuda.is_available():
# Process RAM - allocator RAM
cuda_overhead = get_process_gpu_ram(os.getpid()) - (torch.cuda.memory_reserved() / 1024**2)
# Allocator RAM - Used RAM
framework_overhead = (torch.cuda.memory_reserved() - torch.cuda.memory_allocated()) / 1024**2
# input
if not isinstance(input_shape, list):
input_shape = [input_shape]
if dtype is None:
dtype = p.data.dtype
if isinstance(dtype, torch.dtype):
dtype = [dtype] * len(input_shape)
# Tensor arguments
input_ts = [
torch.rand(1, *in_shape).to(dtype=_dtype, device=device)
for in_shape, _dtype in zip(input_shape, dtype, strict=False)
pre_fw_handles, post_fw_handles = [], []
pre_hook_tracker: Dict[int, Any] = {}
post_hook_tracker: Dict[int, Any] = {}
# Hook definition
def _hook_info(module: Module, name: str) -> None:
def _pre_hook(module: Module, inp: torch.Tensor) -> None:
"""Pre-forward hook"""
# Check that another hook has not been triggered at this forward stage
if not pre_hook_tracker[id(module)]["is_used"] and (
pre_hook_tracker[id(module)]["target"] == pre_hook_tracker[id(module)]["current"]
# Add information
# Params
grad_params, nograd_params, param_size = 0, 0, 0
num_buffers, buffer_size = 0, 0
is_shared = False
if not any(module.children()):
# Parameters
for p in module.parameters():
if id(p) not in param_ids:
if p.requires_grad:
grad_params += p.data.numel()
nograd_params += p.data.numel()
param_size += p.data.numel() * p.data.element_size()
is_shared = True
# Buffers
for b in module.buffers():
if id(b) not in param_ids:
num_buffers += b.numel()
buffer_size += b.numel() * b.element_size()
is_shared = True
if call_idxs.get(id(module)) is None:
call_idxs[id(module)] = [len(info)]
"name": name.rpartition(".")[-1],
"depth": len(name.split(".")) - 1,
"type": module.__class__.__name__,
"input_shape": (-1, *inp[0][0].shape[1:]),
"output_shape": None,
"grad_params": grad_params,
"nograd_params": nograd_params,
"param_size": param_size,
"num_buffers": num_buffers,
"buffer_size": buffer_size,
"flops": 0,
"macs": 0,
"dmas": 0,
"rf": 1,
"s": 1,
"p": 0,
"is_shared": is_shared,
"is_leaf": not any(module.children()),
# Mark the next hook for execution
pre_hook_tracker[id(module)]["target"] += 1
# Current pass already used one of the hooks
pre_hook_tracker[id(module)]["is_used"] = True
pre_hook_tracker[id(module)]["current"] += 1
# All the hooks have been checked, reset the temporary values
if pre_hook_tracker[id(module)]["current"] == len(module._forward_pre_hooks):
pre_hook_tracker[id(module)]["current"] = 0
pre_hook_tracker[id(module)]["is_used"] = False
def _fwd_hook(module: Module, inputs: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...], out: torch.Tensor) -> None:
"""Post-forward hook"""
# Check that another hook has not been triggered at this forward stage
if not post_hook_tracker[id(module)]["is_used"] and (
post_hook_tracker[id(module)]["target"] == post_hook_tracker[id(module)]["current"]
# Write information
# Retrieve forward index
if len(call_idxs[id(module)]) == 1:
fw_idx = call_idxs[id(module)][0]
# The first dictionary with output_shape=None is the correct one
for _idx in call_idxs[id(module)]:
if info[_idx]["output_shape"] is None:
fw_idx = _idx
if any(module.children()):
tot_flops, tot_macs, tot_dmas = 0, 0, 0
current_rf, current_stride, current_padding = 1.0, 1.0, 0.0
# Compute stats for standalone layers
tot_flops = module_flops(module, inputs, out)
tot_macs = module_macs(module, inputs[0], out)
tot_dmas = module_dmas(module, inputs[0], out)
current_rf, current_stride, current_padding = module_rf(module, inputs[0], out)
# Update layer information
info[fw_idx]["output_shape"] = (-1, *out.shape[1:])
# Add them, since some modules can be used several times
info[fw_idx]["flops"] = tot_flops
info[fw_idx]["macs"] = tot_macs
info[fw_idx]["dmas"] = tot_dmas
# Compute receptive field
info[fw_idx]["rf"] = current_rf
info[fw_idx]["s"] = current_stride
info[fw_idx]["p"] = current_padding
# Mark the next hook for execution
post_hook_tracker[id(module)]["target"] += 1
# Current pass already used one of the hooks
post_hook_tracker[id(module)]["is_used"] = True
post_hook_tracker[id(module)]["current"] += 1
# All the hooks have been checked, reset the temporary values
if post_hook_tracker[id(module)]["current"] == len(module._forward_pre_hooks):
post_hook_tracker[id(module)]["current"] = 0
post_hook_tracker[id(module)]["is_used"] = False
pre_fw_handles.append(module.register_forward_pre_hook(_pre_hook)) # type: ignore[arg-type]
# Handle modules that are used multiple times (with several hooks)
pre_hook_tracker[id(module)] = {"current": 0, "target": 0, "is_used": False}
post_hook_tracker[id(module)] = {"current": 0, "target": 0, "is_used": False}
# Hook model
info: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
param_ids: List[int] = []
call_idxs: Dict[int, List[int]] = {}
apply(module, _hook_info)
# Forward
with torch.no_grad():
# Removes all hooks using their handles
for handle in pre_fw_handles:
for handle in post_fw_handles:
reserved_ram, diff_ram = 0.0, 0.0
if torch.cuda.is_available():
reserved_ram = torch.cuda.memory_reserved() / 1024**2
diff_ram = (torch.cuda.memory_reserved() - torch.cuda.memory_allocated()) / 1024**2
grad_params, nograd_params, param_size = 0, 0, 0
num_buffers, buffer_size = 0, 0
for p in module.parameters():
if p.requires_grad:
grad_params += p.data.numel()
nograd_params += p.data.numel()
param_size += p.data.numel() * p.data.element_size()
for b in module.buffers():
num_buffers += b.numel()
buffer_size += b.numel() * b.element_size()
# Update cumulative receptive field
_rf, _s, _p = 1, 1, 0
for fw_idx, _layer in enumerate(info):
_rf += _s * (_layer["rf"] - 1)
_p += _s * _layer["p"]
_s *= _layer["s"]
info[fw_idx]["rf"] = _rf
info[fw_idx]["s"] = _s
info[fw_idx]["p"] = _p
return {
"overheads": {
"cuda": {
"pre": cuda_overhead,
"fwd": get_process_gpu_ram(os.getpid()) - reserved_ram,
"framework": {"pre": framework_overhead, "fwd": diff_ram},
"layers": info,
"overall": {
"grad_params": grad_params,
"nograd_params": nograd_params,
"param_size": param_size,
"num_buffers": num_buffers,
"buffer_size": buffer_size,
def summary(
module: Module,
input_shape: Tuple[int, ...],
wrap_mode: str = "mid",
max_depth: Optional[int] = None,
receptive_field: bool = False,
effective_rf_stats: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Print module summary for an expected input tensor shape
>>> import torch.nn as nn
>>> from torchscan import summary
>>> mod = nn.Conv2d(3, 8, 3)
>>> summary(mod, (3, 224, 224), receptive_field=True)
module: module to inspect
input_shape: expected input shapes (don't include batch size)
wrap_mode: if a value is too long, where the wrapping should be performed
max_depth: maximum depth of layer information
receptive_field: whether receptive field estimation should be performed
effective_rf_stats: if `receptive_field` is True, displays effective stride and padding
# Get the summary dict
module_info = crawl_module(module, input_shape)
# Aggregate until max_depth
if isinstance(max_depth, int):
module_info = aggregate_info(module_info, max_depth)
# Format it and print it
print(format_info(module_info, wrap_mode, receptive_field, effective_rf_stats)) # noqa T201