Source code for torchscan.utils

# Copyright (C) 2020-2024, François-Guillaume Fernandez.

# This program is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
# See LICENSE or go to <> for full license details.

from itertools import starmap
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

def format_name(name: str, depth: int = 0) -> str:
    """Format a string for nested data printing

        name: input string
        depth: depth of the nested information
        formatted string
    if depth == 0:
        return name
    if depth == 1:
        return f"├─{name}"
    return f"{'|    ' * (depth - 1)}└─{name}"

def wrap_string(s: str, max_len: int, delimiter: str = ".", wrap: str = "[...]", mode: str = "end") -> str:
    """Wrap a string into a given length

        s: input string
        max_len: maximum string length
        delimiter: character used for delimiting information categories
        wrap: wrapping sequence used
        mode: wrapping mode
        wrapped string
    if len(s) <= max_len or mode is None:
        return s

    if mode == "end":
        return s[: max_len - len(wrap)] + wrap
    if mode == "mid":
        final_part = s.rpartition(delimiter)[-1]
        wrapped_end = f"{wrap}.{final_part}"
        return s[: max_len - len(wrapped_end)] + wrapped_end
    raise ValueError("received an unexpected value of argument `mode`")

def unit_scale(val: float) -> Tuple[float, str]:
    """Rescale value using scale units

        val: input value
        tuple of rescaled value and unit
    if val // 1e12 > 0:
        return val / 1e12, "T"
    if val // 1e9 > 0:
        return val / 1e9, "G"
    if val // 1e6 > 0:
        return val / 1e6, "M"
    if val // 1e3 > 0:
        return val / 1e3, "k"
    return val, ""

def format_s(f_string: str, min_w: Optional[int] = None, max_w: Optional[int] = None) -> str:
    """Format number strings"""
    if isinstance(min_w, int):
        f_string = f"{f_string:<{min_w}}"
    if isinstance(max_w, int):
        f_string = f"{f_string:.{max_w}}"

    return f_string

def format_line_str(
    layer: Dict[str, Any],
    col_w: Optional[List[int]] = None,
    wrap_mode: str = "mid",
    receptive_field: bool = False,
    effective_rf_stats: bool = False,
) -> List[str]:
    """Wrap all information into multiple lines"""
    if not isinstance(col_w, list):
        col_w = [None] * 7  # type: ignore[list-item]

    max_len = col_w[0] + 3 if isinstance(col_w[0], int) else 100
    line_str = [
        format_s(wrap_string(format_name(layer["name"], layer["depth"]), max_len, mode=wrap_mode), col_w[0], col_w[0]),
        format_s(layer["type"], col_w[1], col_w[1]),
        format_s(str(layer["output_shape"]), col_w[2], col_w[2]),
        format_s(f"{layer['grad_params'] + layer['nograd_params'] + layer['num_buffers']:,}", col_w[3], col_w[3]),

    if receptive_field:
        line_str.append(format_s(f"{layer['rf']:.0f}", col_w[4], col_w[4]))
        if effective_rf_stats:
                format_s(f"{layer['s']:.0f}", col_w[5], col_w[5]),
                format_s(f"{layer['p']:.0f}", col_w[6], col_w[6]),

    return line_str

[docs] def format_info( module_info: Dict[str, Any], wrap_mode: str = "mid", receptive_field: bool = False, effective_rf_stats: bool = False ) -> str: """Print module summary for an expected input tensor shape Args: module_info: dictionary output of `crawl_module` wrap_mode: wrapping mode receptive_field: whether to display receptive field effective_rf_stats: if `receptive_field` is True, displays effective stride and padding Returns: formatted information """ # Set margin between cols margin = 4 # Dynamic col width # Init with headers headers = ["Layer", "Type", "Output Shape", "Param #", "Receptive field", "Effective stride", "Effective padding"] max_w = [27, 20, 25, 15, 15, 16, 17] col_w = [len(s) for s in headers] for layer in module_info["layers"]: col_w = [ max(v, len(s)) for v, s in zip( col_w, format_line_str(layer, col_w=None, wrap_mode=wrap_mode, receptive_field=True, effective_rf_stats=True), strict=False, ) ] # Truncate columns that are too long col_w = list(starmap(min, zip(col_w, max_w, strict=False))) if not receptive_field: col_w = col_w[:4] headers = headers[:4] elif not effective_rf_stats: col_w = col_w[:5] headers = headers[:5] # Define separating lines line_length = sum(col_w) + (len(col_w) - 1) * margin thin_line = "_" * line_length thick_line = "=" * line_length dot_line = "-" * line_length margin_str = " " * margin # Header info_str = [ thin_line, margin_str.join([f"{col_name:<{col_w}}" for col_name, col_w in zip(headers, col_w, strict=False)]), thick_line, ] # Layers for layer in module_info["layers"]: line_str = format_line_str(layer, col_w, wrap_mode, receptive_field, effective_rf_stats) info_str.append((" " * margin).join(line_str)) # Parameter information num_params = module_info["overall"]["grad_params"] + module_info["overall"]["nograd_params"] info_str.extend(( thick_line, f"Trainable params: {module_info['overall']['grad_params']:,}", f"Non-trainable params: {module_info['overall']['nograd_params']:,}", f"Total params: {num_params:,}", )) # Static RAM usage info_str.append(dot_line) # Convert to Megabytes param_size = (module_info["overall"]["param_size"] + module_info["overall"]["buffer_size"]) / 1024**2 overhead = module_info["overheads"]["framework"]["fwd"] + module_info["overheads"]["cuda"]["fwd"] info_str.extend(( f"Model size (params + buffers): {param_size:.2f} Mb", f"Framework & CUDA overhead: {overhead:.2f} Mb", f"Total RAM usage: {param_size + overhead:.2f} Mb", )) # FLOPS information info_str.append(dot_line) flops, flops_units = unit_scale(sum(layer["flops"] for layer in module_info["layers"])) macs, macs_units = unit_scale(sum(layer["macs"] for layer in module_info["layers"])) dmas, dmas_units = unit_scale(sum(layer["dmas"] for layer in module_info["layers"])) info_str.extend(( f"Floating Point Operations on forward: {flops:.2f} {flops_units}FLOPs", f"Multiply-Accumulations on forward: {macs:.2f} {macs_units}MACs", f"Direct memory accesses on forward: {dmas:.2f} {dmas_units}DMAs", thin_line, )) return "\n".join(info_str)
[docs] def aggregate_info(info: Dict[str, Any], max_depth: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Aggregate module information to a maximum depth Args: info: dictionary output of `crawl_module` max_depth: depth at which parent node aggregates children information Returns: edited dictionary information """ if not any(layer["depth"] == max_depth for layer in info["layers"]): raise ValueError("The `max_depth` argument cannot be higher than module depth.") for fw_idx, layer in enumerate(info["layers"]): # Need to aggregate information if not layer["is_leaf"] and layer["depth"] == max_depth: grad_p, nograd_p, p_size, num_buffers, b_size = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 flops, macs, dmas = 0, 0, 0 for _layer in info["layers"][fw_idx + 1 :]: # Children have superior depth and were hooked after parent if _layer["depth"] <= max_depth: break # Aggregate all information (flops, macc, ram) flops += _layer["flops"] macs += _layer["macs"] dmas += _layer["dmas"] grad_p += _layer["grad_params"] nograd_p += _layer["nograd_params"] p_size += _layer["param_size"] num_buffers += _layer["num_buffers"] b_size += _layer["buffer_size"] # Take last child effective RF _rf, _s, _p = _layer["rf"], _layer["s"], _layer["p"] # Update info info["layers"][fw_idx]["flops"] = flops info["layers"][fw_idx]["macs"] = macs info["layers"][fw_idx]["dmas"] = dmas info["layers"][fw_idx]["rf"] = _rf info["layers"][fw_idx]["s"] = _s info["layers"][fw_idx]["p"] = _p info["layers"][fw_idx]["grad_params"] = grad_p info["layers"][fw_idx]["nograd_params"] = nograd_p info["layers"][fw_idx]["param_size"] = p_size info["layers"][fw_idx]["num_buffers"] = num_buffers info["layers"][fw_idx]["buffer_size"] = b_size # Filter out further depth information info["layers"] = [layer for layer in info["layers"] if layer["depth"] <= max_depth] return info