Source code for holocron.utils.misc

# Copyright (C) 2019-2024, François-Guillaume Fernandez.

# This program is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
# See LICENSE or go to <> for full license details.

import multiprocessing as mp
from math import sqrt
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
from import tqdm

Inp = TypeVar("Inp")
Out = TypeVar("Out")

__all__ = ["find_image_size", "parallel"]

def parallel(
    func: Callable[[Inp], Out],
    arr: Sequence[Inp],
    num_threads: Optional[int] = None,
    progress: bool = False,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> Iterable[Out]:
    """Performs parallel tasks by leveraging multi-threading.

    >>> from holocron.utils.misc import parallel
    >>> parallel(lambda x: x ** 2, list(range(10)))

        func: function to be executed on multiple workers
        arr: function argument's values
        num_threads: number of workers to be used for multiprocessing
        progress: whether the progress bar should be displayed
        kwargs: keyword arguments of tqdm

        list: list of function's results
    num_threads = num_threads if isinstance(num_threads, int) else min(16, mp.cpu_count())
    if num_threads < 2:
        results = list(map(func, tqdm(arr, total=len(arr), **kwargs))) if progress else map(func, arr)
        with ThreadPool(num_threads) as tp:
            results = list(tqdm(tp.imap(func, arr), total=len(arr), **kwargs)) if progress else, arr)

    return results

[docs] def find_image_size(dataset: Sequence[Tuple[Image.Image, Any]], **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Computes the best image size target for a given set of images Args: dataset: an iterator yielding a PIL Image and a target object kwargs: keyword args of Returns: the suggested height and width to be used """ # Record height & width shapes_ = parallel(lambda x: x[0].size, dataset, progress=True) shapes = np.asarray(shapes_)[:, ::-1] ratios = shapes[:, 0] / shapes[:, 1] sides = np.sqrt(shapes[:, 0] * shapes[:, 1]) # Compute median aspect ratio & side median_ratio = np.median(ratios) median_side = np.median(sides) height = round(median_side * sqrt(median_ratio)) width = round(median_side / sqrt(median_ratio)) # Double histogram fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2) axes[0].hist(ratios, bins=30, alpha=0.7) axes[0].title.set_text(f"Aspect ratio (median: {median_ratio:.2})") axes[0].grid(True, linestyle="--", axis="x") axes[0].axvline(median_ratio, color="r") axes[1].hist(sides, bins=30, alpha=0.7) axes[1].title.set_text(f"Side (median: {int(median_side)})") axes[1].grid(True, linestyle="--", axis="x") axes[1].axvline(median_side, color="r") fig.suptitle(f"Median image size: ({height}, {width})")**kwargs)